JOIN DOWNING PTA Have you wondered if you joined the Downing PTA yet because there are soooo many To Do’s at the beginning of the school year?! You are not alone. In fact, if you accidentally joined the PTA twice, you are also not alone! It’s a crazy time! In the midst of the crazy, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to help our students and teachers hit the ground running this school year. When you join the Downing PTA, you are doing just that. In fact, your membership last year enabled the PTA to create a new lounge area for the students this year! Look for it near the front office. And several teachers were able to purchase upgrades to their curriculum to enhance their students’ learning. We have Adult, Family (we want Dads, too!) and Student memberships. Students? Yes! They want a membership too! That $5 membership gives them a FREE LATE HOMEWORK PASS, a voice in their school and a few small surprises throughout the year. Sweet! And EVERY membership makes a difference.
Thank you for considering joining your Downing PTA this year! Click HERE and choose the option that works best for your family. Many thanks for all you do to support our students, teachers and staff!
There’s volunteer effort and then there’s Volunteer Effort Extraordinaire with sprinkles and a cherry on top! Shelly Anderson went above and beyond when she heard about our plans to replace two aging couches in the student-lounge area. Shelly asked if she could offer her professional contract-furniture expertise: she showed us multiple innovative options, durable fabrics and outstanding price points. She did the measuring, ordering and — finally, after several delays — installing of our furniture last Friday. Ask your students — our new Diamondback-inspired seating looks fantastic, and is perfectly complemented by the new Downing mural that was painted over the summer. Thank you, Shelly, for helping the school welcome our students!
Our student-lounge furniture is finally here! Before the end of the 2020-21 school year, the Downing PTA was able to purchase new seating options and a rug for the area that welcomes students just inside the entrance to Downing.
The next Downing Dine Out Night will be in September 14 at 10:30a – 9:30p. Please be sure to tell them you are supporting Downing PTA so we will receive 20% back!
The PTA’s annual Reflections arts program encourages students to tap their inner creativity and express themselves through artwork. Students are invited to submit original artwork in one of six categories: Dance Choreography; Film Production; Literature; Music Composition; Photography; and Visual Arts.
Mark your calendars as submissions are due October 29th.
Even though it doesn’t feel like it, Autumn is just around the corner. In celebration, DMS Hospitality is planning a Goodbye Summer…Hello Fall feast on Tuesday, September 14th. Since we won’t have chili and soup weather yet, we’re planning a Mediterranean meal with slices of grilled lemon herb chicken served with naan bread, caesar salad, pasta salad, tomato and zucchini quiche, and fruit. Donations of desserts and beverages will be needed to make our feast a success.
Look for the sign-up toward the end of next week.
The Downing PTA Community Service Team could use your help and generosity this fall. Click HERE to find out items needed for the weekly Diamondback Packs that are sent home as a community service to provide for student with food insecurity. Descriptions list how many of each item are included weekly in each student pack and priority needs to fulfill our inventory. Simply choose whatever you would like to purchase, it will be shipped directly to Downing MS. Items can also be purchased locally and delivered directly to the school, high priority needs such as canned vegetables, tuna, chicken, pop tarts and fruit bowls. Thank you!
Lose the clutter and earn cash for your school — Downing PTA will be holding its fall recycling event on December 4 from 9 a.m. – noon in the South Parking Lot (by the track). Our recycling partners have an extensive list of items they’ll take — clothing to household goods to electronics. Clear out those closets before Christmas and help the Downing PTA!
For more information about what items are acceptable, individuals can click HERE.
Due to the safety of our students and staff, we will be delaying the Color Run until Spring 2022.
We look forward to another awesome time!!
Are you looking for a great way to contribute to our school and leave a lasting legacy for your student? Ordering a personalized brick for our Legacy Garden is only $25. After placing your order, you’ll be contacted to provide up to 3 lines (13 characters each) to be engraved on a brick for the Legacy Garden.
Click HERE to order.
Celebrate your child and help Downing PTA all in one with a BirthdayGram—a birthday note, special candy delivery and lunchtime announcement for $15.
Click HERE to purchase a Birthday Gram
Shop at Amazon and generate donations for Downing Middle School PTA.
Click HERE to get started.